Nxtgen sport safeguarding policy
Purpose of the policy
At Nxtgen Sport, the safety and wellbeing of all children and adults participating in our training sessions is our utmost priority. We are committed to providing a safe and supportive environment for all athletes, coaches, volunteers, and parents. This policy outlines our safeguarding responsibilities and the procedures to follow should any concerns arise.
- Safety First: The welfare of children and vulnerable adults is paramount in all our activities.
- Open Environment: We encourage open communication between coaches, athletes, parents, and safeguarding officers to ensure any issues are addressed swiftly.
- Clear Reporting Channels: All concerns, no matter how minor they may seem, must be reported immediately to Halim Ibrahim, our designated Safeguarding Officer, via email at [Insert Email Address].
- Annual Safeguarding Training: All staff and volunteers at NxtGen Sport are required to undergo safeguarding training and refresher sessions every year to ensure they are up to date with safeguarding standards and policies.
Roles and responsibilities
- Coaches and Staff: It is the responsibility of all coaches and staff to maintain a safe environment for all participants. This includes monitoring behaviour, providing appropriate supervision, and ensuring the physical and emotional wellbeing of all athletes.
- Parents: Parents are welcome to attend and watch training sessions to support their children but must not engage or participate in the session unless they are registered volunteers with completed DBS checks and up-to-date safeguarding training.
- Athletes and Participants: Players are encouraged to speak up if they feel unsafe or uncomfortable. Any concerns should be reported to their coach, who will then escalate the issue to the Safeguarding Officer.
Reporting safeguarding concerns
In the event that a safeguarding concern arises, the following procedure should be followed:
- Report to the Coach: If a child, parent, or coach observes behaviour or a situation that raises concern, it should be reported immediately to the session coach.
- Coach Escalation: The coach will then report the concern to the Designated Safeguarding Officer, Halim Ibrahim, via email. All concerns, whether regarding inappropriate behaviour, neglect, bullying, or any other issues that threaten the wellbeing of an athlete, should be shared promptly.
- Safeguarding Officer Investigation: Halim Ibrahim will investigate the concern and take appropriate action. This may include speaking with involved parties, informing relevant authorities, or taking immediate safeguarding steps to protect the individual(s) involved.
- Serious Concerns: In serious circumstances, where a child or vulnerable adult is at immediate risk, the police or local authority safeguarding team will be contacted without delay.
Commitment to safeguarding
We expect all individuals associated with Nxtgen Sport, including coaches, volunteers, parents, and athletes, to uphold the safeguarding standards outlined in this policy. It is our collective duty to ensure a secure environment where everyone can participate safely in our sports programs.
- Annual Safeguarding Training: All staff will undergo mandatory safeguarding training every year to keep updated with safeguarding procedures and best practices.
- Volunteers and DBS Checks: Any volunteers who wish to assist with training must complete a DBS check and attend safeguarding training before participating in sessions.
Safeguarding officer contact
- Designated Safeguarding Officer (DSO): Halim Ibrahim
- Email: Support@nxtgensport.co.uk
- In Case of Emergency: Contact local police or the local authority safeguarding team.
By ensuring we adhere to this safeguarding policy, Nxtgen Sport fosters a positive and safe environment, prioritizing the wellbeing of all participants and promoting trust between coaches, athletes, and parents.
This policy will be reviewed annually to ensure it remains current and effective.
Last Updated: 2024
Approved by: Nxtgen Sport Leadership Team